Friday, 26 October 2012

Zombie Apocolypse

So, as we close out October's "hypothalamus awareness month" I would like to remind everyone that there is indeed a zombie apocalypse ravishing the world. Not only have there been way over 100 cases of humans attacking and eating other humans worldwide this year alone but there is the underestimated  overwhelmingly numerous population of the obese over eater. Just because you are saying, "Burger, chippies, pizza, cookies, ice cream", doesn't mean it is a far cry from, "brains, Brains, BRAINS!!!!". If you have no self control you might as well be a zombie...or a drunk...or a drunk zombie ;)

Just think of every over weight person stuffing their not-hungry face right now, do you want to be one of them, zombie? Huh, Fatty?......yes, I am talking to myself.....and NO, I don't want to be one of the fast fried, poisonously preserved, genetically modified, died and flavored fake food zombies!
I would almost rather eat "brrraaaaains" than have another bite of what is being mass produced and passed off as food but I definitely would be lacking brains if I refuse to let myself have zero body fat any longer.
So this is it hypothalamus, you have had your run and now it is my turn. I will not be your zombie, I will not be apart of the hungry hoard any longer! 

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