Thursday, 25 October 2012

Weight Training, Fun?

They say exercise will make you live longer, duh, that's because every minute you exercise seems like and eternity!
Stop counting reps, I use (motivating) songs and just do as many reps as I can for the duration of the song. When the song is over I move onto the next muscle group and the next song.

As long as you are pushing yourself to the breaking point, it doesn't matter how many reps. Change comes the faster and harder you push yourself, if you can't possibly do one more rep you have completed that area in need of toning for the day! Yay!...and it only took 2-4 minutes (estimated necessary song length).

How many muscles you want to do is how many songs you will need. I have been doing all my muscle groups in one go and then taking time off. Last year I did it every day and saw amazing results.

If you just want to do a little every day just do arms and and stomach one day, then legs and back the next.
Day 1: push ups
           bicep curls
           triceps (skull crushers & chair dips)
           butterfly press (if possible)
           side crunches (laying on side lifting chest & legs slightly, so awesome)
           ab leg lifts
Day 2: squats
           laying flat on back butt lifts (bring your abs to the ceiling)
           dead row
           reverse back crunch

Intermittently throw in some cardio like shadow boxing, opposite elbow to knee kicks, and/or jumping jacks etc. to another full song each, 3 cardio songs during your weights (I use an elastic resistance band easy for travel/storage) should be the least to keep your target heart rate going! (lets say you are using around only 3 minute songs that would only be a 45 minute workout and everyone has at least 45 minutes to look and feel amazing)

Be sure to have a warm up (light cardio) song in the beginning and cool down (stretch) song at the end.

Great classic workout song examples include: Eminem-Ass Like That, Loose Yourself ~ Black Eyed Peas- Pump It, Rock That Body ~ House Of Pain- Jump ~ Kayne West- Stronger

Whatever matches your pace appropriately, motivates you and strengthens you!

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