Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Bob Marley Wellness & Fitness role model

Dear Bob was not only a “poet and a prophet” but also a pretty healthy, very fitness orientated fellow.
He loved playing soccer so much that he refused an operation that could have ruined his active lifestyle but might have saved his life.
Bob was not a big drinker which is beneficial to any waistline but he didn’t live for food either.  Bob loved delicious blended fruit smoothies made from fresh fruit and also drank fish tea daily, full of healthy omega-3’s I imagine, which is great for your mental and physical well-being.  So good that some say Icelandic people have the highest mental health rate nationwide compared to other nations due to the high intake of fish in their diet, ahem omegas! Wellness was very important to Bob so he was not only a pioneer of peace but of well-being too.
At home when Bob was not playing music he was shooting hoops or playing soccer in the community getting everyone active, I mean who would not want to play soccer with Bob Marley, right.
I am not condoning drug use of course but light stimulants can help your focus, motivation and fat burning. Coffee for example is full of antioxidants and will help get you in the game if you are feeling a little off yours….like being on the couch instead, no way!
Bob was the opposite of a couch potato, Marley was no slouch.
Marley can definitely pass for a fitness role model, so here’s to you Bob Marley, thanks for inspiring so many people inside and out…….and in life and in death. 

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