Saturday, 27 October 2012

I will miss you but not my fat rolls

I will be going off the radar a bit until the holidays are over. I am going to some very remote places where there will be no internet, boohoo...but definitely no fast/processed food either either, yay!
I have been cutting calories and working out but unfortunately have not cut back on drinking which can have a big impact all around.....that is all about to change though.
I will kick this off with a 3 day fast, 1 week salt water cleanse, then a liquid protein diet.
It is great to kick of a life changing (permanent) diet with a body cleanse so your body can start over from scratch and the new diet will take much better and longer, hopefully forever, right!
I invented my own personal protein shake that I learned in chemistry. My professor said the best form of protein is in an egg, not soy or whey.
  • 1 egg white
  • (any) milk
  • Milo (fiber)
  • some liquid vits (B12 etc)
~shake it up or blend it :)

I will be sure to take my December 1st photo and measurements on schedule but I am not sure when exactly I will be able to post it....hhhhmmmm.....
I will for sure see you all after the holidays with some lose you holiday bulge posts to motivate you for the new year.
....and of course with my up to date progress.

Happy Holidays everyBODY.......take it easy ;)

Friday, 26 October 2012

Zombie Apocolypse

So, as we close out October's "hypothalamus awareness month" I would like to remind everyone that there is indeed a zombie apocalypse ravishing the world. Not only have there been way over 100 cases of humans attacking and eating other humans worldwide this year alone but there is the underestimated  overwhelmingly numerous population of the obese over eater. Just because you are saying, "Burger, chippies, pizza, cookies, ice cream", doesn't mean it is a far cry from, "brains, Brains, BRAINS!!!!". If you have no self control you might as well be a zombie...or a drunk...or a drunk zombie ;)

Just think of every over weight person stuffing their not-hungry face right now, do you want to be one of them, zombie? Huh, Fatty?......yes, I am talking to myself.....and NO, I don't want to be one of the fast fried, poisonously preserved, genetically modified, died and flavored fake food zombies!
I would almost rather eat "brrraaaaains" than have another bite of what is being mass produced and passed off as food but I definitely would be lacking brains if I refuse to let myself have zero body fat any longer.
So this is it hypothalamus, you have had your run and now it is my turn. I will not be your zombie, I will not be apart of the hungry hoard any longer! 

A Spellish Chant

Would you really let a mere child tell you what to do? A toddler that throws tantrums and nags you at the grocery store with "I want this, I want that"?
Set 'em straight you would!
Lose 15kg of spoiled brat.....

Thursday, 25 October 2012

November's Goal Attained!

I am not disappointing to be reaching November's goal a tiny bit ahead of schedule. 
Of course it would be a bit more fun if I looked as (skinny) hungry as I feel....oh well, eventually the scales will be balanced ;)
Measurements: 31.5-28.5-35.5

Weight Training, Fun?

They say exercise will make you live longer, duh, that's because every minute you exercise seems like and eternity!
Stop counting reps, I use (motivating) songs and just do as many reps as I can for the duration of the song. When the song is over I move onto the next muscle group and the next song.

As long as you are pushing yourself to the breaking point, it doesn't matter how many reps. Change comes the faster and harder you push yourself, if you can't possibly do one more rep you have completed that area in need of toning for the day! Yay!...and it only took 2-4 minutes (estimated necessary song length).

How many muscles you want to do is how many songs you will need. I have been doing all my muscle groups in one go and then taking time off. Last year I did it every day and saw amazing results.

If you just want to do a little every day just do arms and and stomach one day, then legs and back the next.
Day 1: push ups
           bicep curls
           triceps (skull crushers & chair dips)
           butterfly press (if possible)
           side crunches (laying on side lifting chest & legs slightly, so awesome)
           ab leg lifts
Day 2: squats
           laying flat on back butt lifts (bring your abs to the ceiling)
           dead row
           reverse back crunch

Intermittently throw in some cardio like shadow boxing, opposite elbow to knee kicks, and/or jumping jacks etc. to another full song each, 3 cardio songs during your weights (I use an elastic resistance band easy for travel/storage) should be the least to keep your target heart rate going! (lets say you are using around only 3 minute songs that would only be a 45 minute workout and everyone has at least 45 minutes to look and feel amazing)

Be sure to have a warm up (light cardio) song in the beginning and cool down (stretch) song at the end.

Great classic workout song examples include: Eminem-Ass Like That, Loose Yourself ~ Black Eyed Peas- Pump It, Rock That Body ~ House Of Pain- Jump ~ Kayne West- Stronger

Whatever matches your pace appropriately, motivates you and strengthens you!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


             Have and appetite for life......
                                        ......not pies!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Sense Variety Not Slavery

I have spoken of variety before. There is no sense in eating a whole pizza when you can have just 1 slice instead of the whole and include a whole variety of whole foods along with the 1 slice and feel satisfied sooner. 
Don't be a sense slave!
 Or better yet lets take the variety thing a bit further and rather than over indulging in just one sense alone, use all 5 senses to the limit, all at once might not be possible but go for it ;)
  • Over indulge in some oxygen by being out of breath smelling (variety of) flowers etc...
  • Tune in to (a variety of) some uplifting, upbeat music that unavoidably puts a dance in your step or just focus on every sound inside and/or outside your front door etc....
  • Gaze on (a variety of) nature, art, scenic views and human nature that surrounds you etc....
  • Touch (a variety of) things, anything and just be aware of it's textures, let sand pour through your fingers, make a (healthy) dough, hold your hand out of a car window (of course avoiding any passing obstruction)....really feel it etc....
  • ....and if you have time left, indulge you sense of taste, if what you eat is truly nourishing it will be satisfying from the beginning because there is no satisfaction in the shame of saturated fats and grease etc... aware
Constantly fill your senses with the constant stimuli that surrounds you instead of filling just one gluttonous sense to the brink and leaving the rest of your life empty and may be your stomach will be bit bit emptier rather than the wholeness of your well-being.

"Only a sense slave finds it torture to eat moderately.....The sense slave eats to satisfy his palate and ultimately finds himself the victim of disease. The soul urges man to discipline the palate; after a short period of demonstrations of outraged dignity, the palate gives no further trouble! Like a good servant, the sense of taste learns to be satisfied with the wholesome decisions of its master, the soul."
-Paramahansa Yogananda

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Don't Believe in Miracles, Rely On Them

We went out to eat last night and I was successful at not being full.
I ate half of my meal, which was fish curry (totally healthy), but honestly I expected to go back to it when I got a bit hungry again taking it in doses to avoid stretching out my stomach. 
I stopped eating because I was almost full and I walked away to go play pool. Our server asked if I wanted it boxed up for take away  and I said, no, thank you and that I as planning on finishing the fish before we leave. 
I am so not used to wasting food yet, so it was pretty disappointing that when I went back to our table it had been cleared and cleaned up.
This morning is a bit different as I woke up almost a bit bitter to not have any fish curry to supply my tiny hangover with some delicious protein!!! Just going through it in my mind again now is a bit irritating because it is making me crave the juicy fish....stave off the crave though, babe and don't be a sense slave!
Ultimately I should be happy that calories escaped my grasp, that is success right there.....but they were healthy calories and much needed protien, boohooo.....letting go of what could have been is hard in the beginning, so hard and irritating but it is a successful step and emotional resource to let go and just know that hopefully it didn't go to waist ;)
I am so proud to say though that I have finally met October 1st's measuring goal....two weeks late but never the less it was met and at this rate November's goal will be met punctually! Dream big.....
Don't believe in miracles....rely on them, YES :)

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Don't Eat Yourself Old (looking and smelling)

Great visual thinspiration!!! One of my favorite "diet stories" / thinspiration is of the calorie restriction studies on the rhesus monkeys.

 If you know what I am talking about then these cute little guys will ring a bell:

Can you believe these monkey are the same age? Now you tell me which monkey looks "hotter"?  
That's what I thought, I agree, the monkey on the left totally looks hotter and younger than the monkey on the right.
As I said, this was a calorie restriction diet study (Wisconsin National Primate Research Center 1989) and from what I see, just look at them, the proof is in the pudding or should I say in the healthy, low calorie, unprocessed alternative.

The National Institute of Aging sort of rebuked this study recently saying that the monkeys in their study showed no difference in longevity to the other 'control' monkeys.
But come on now, I think The National Institute of Looking Young and Hot would have to agree that who cares what makes you live longer, it's what makes you look good, young, hot and healthy that matters!
Albeit the CR diet also had the benefits of greatly
reducing  the risk of getting heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases of aging. The CR monkeys also were said to have "younger-seeming immune systems" and better metabolisms. They also did live 50% longer which shows it "slowed the aging process".
I don't know what the NIA is getting at but these findings show, just looking at the picture above, a very clear picture just what eating until you're full can do to you physically.

Longevity? Is that the debate? What about youth? Who cares how long you live if it's in this body>
Poor little fella!

If you eat whatever, whenever and how much you like you will look older (even go grey faster!) and be fatter.
Restrict Calories at the very least by 10% daily and you will look younger and hotter.

Sugars, processed foods, saturated fats, GMO's, propylene glycol and especially deep fried foods will make you look 10 years older and a few inches wider at the least.
It is best when shopping at the grocery store to stay near the walls. Only shop in the produce, meat (unless you are vegan/veggie) and may be bakery (only for some fiber filled 100% whole wheat). If you must penetrate the isles of shame it better only be for some healthy almonds, walnuts and some soda water. 

.....and of course you are allowed to hit the liquor section but that will surely even out all your calorie restriction and may be not make you so young looking after least the next morning right! 

So, here's to you calorie restricted, healthy, way younger looking (inside and out), skinny rhesis monkey on the left.
Thanks for proving that eating an unnecessary amount of food can have such an impact on not only your complete happiness with your reflection but on wellness and your well being too.
Thank you for the visual that I always keep in my mind of your cute little "before picture" that was never an "after picture" like the monkey on the right.


This is all I have to say to any ingredients that have preservatives, flavour added, colour added, to any sugar that does not come from a fruit or veggie, to anything processed, to GMO's, to propylene glycol and above all deep fried foods:

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

After or Before

Remember the door swings both ways.......
(The fridge door, hahaha) 
                                                After?           Before?

Saturday, 6 October 2012

October Champion

Congratulations to me this week! It is only the 6th and guess how many time I have worked out so far this month? 5x ...yay
And I feel great and I can see a bit of difference inside and out, so keep up the good work, Miss Active :)

Friday, 5 October 2012

Viva Variety

Tip to not feel like you're missing out on the yummy munchies but in fact are eating more:
Eat a Variety of Foods, yay……
Instead of eating those 6 slices of pizza, just have one slice and then have a salad and then if you are still bugging out for more carbs and greasy cheese and meat just have an apple instead and then a big glass of water and then a nice hot cup of green tea and if you are still having a food epi have a liquid soup and, if you must, you can have one slice of whole wheat linseed bread w/ the liquid soup and if you are still in the mood to eat like a gross pig then have a low fat yogurt.

So there you have eaten a variety of only 3 things and your jaw should be tired by then, geez that is if you stopped at the apple.  But if you had to go all out and eat the whole lot, at least, if you think about it, you still only had just one slice of pizza which is honestly the only taboo food in that mix…..well only if you had a responsible salad dressing.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Will and way

A taste is best just don’t eat the rest!
Find any excuse to burn carbs instead of finding any excuse (and free time) to fill filling your pie hole.
So what if it is only 10 Kjs or 400 Kjs of exercise, they all add up regardless and you will be so happy to be getting stuff done!...instead of getting fatter, fatty.
Just doing the dishes burns 40kjs, running around w/ a pet or playing w/ kids burns heaps, standing up, gardening, sewing, walking, shopping, reorganizing, having a yard sale, photography, and padlocking the empty fridge all burn kilojoules and you are not even working out, you are just being productive. Combine your new found passion for productivity w/ just 3 days a week cardio/weight program.

What did you say? Oh, your looking so fit because you have been so busy running your personal empire of awesomeness? Well, good on you! Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Create The Will Power

Bob Marley Wellness & Fitness role model

Dear Bob was not only a “poet and a prophet” but also a pretty healthy, very fitness orientated fellow.
He loved playing soccer so much that he refused an operation that could have ruined his active lifestyle but might have saved his life.
Bob was not a big drinker which is beneficial to any waistline but he didn’t live for food either.  Bob loved delicious blended fruit smoothies made from fresh fruit and also drank fish tea daily, full of healthy omega-3’s I imagine, which is great for your mental and physical well-being.  So good that some say Icelandic people have the highest mental health rate nationwide compared to other nations due to the high intake of fish in their diet, ahem omegas! Wellness was very important to Bob so he was not only a pioneer of peace but of well-being too.
At home when Bob was not playing music he was shooting hoops or playing soccer in the community getting everyone active, I mean who would not want to play soccer with Bob Marley, right.
I am not condoning drug use of course but light stimulants can help your focus, motivation and fat burning. Coffee for example is full of antioxidants and will help get you in the game if you are feeling a little off yours….like being on the couch instead, no way!
Bob was the opposite of a couch potato, Marley was no slouch.
Marley can definitely pass for a fitness role model, so here’s to you Bob Marley, thanks for inspiring so many people inside and out…….and in life and in death. 