Sunday, 30 September 2012

Slow and steady wins the race but not this slow, come on now!

I had a bit of a bar night last night but had minimal beers with more voddie tonnies….and of course one or two red wines for my antioxidants.  I did not feel like a fatty, too much, because I only had a mango for breakfast, ½ of a cheese veggie sandwich for lunch, and 3 chippies for a snack.
We BBQ’d for dinner and of course I felt full after eating because my stomach had shrunk. 
At least it’s a bit of work to eat chicken wings and you don’t get that much meat, that was a good choice of protein, so I had about 4 or 5 (I should actually know exactly how many, shame on me) un-fried (of course) chicken wings, a nice salad with a vinaigrette, 3 small bites of garlic bread and ¾ of a small baked potato. It was quite the feed but I was active all day and hopefully it will keep my cravings down for the week. 
I am feeling good so far that I am so not craving pizza or any “hang over foods” this day and I will not be over eating, no, no, no aint gonna happen ;) …..but I might allow myself a bite of something naughty that I of course will pay for tomorrow with some serious cardio.

So here are a few good rules to follow that will help us all stay on track:

  • ·       Never eat from a sauce pan ever – eat from a (small perhaps) plate or bowl only and always
  •    Never eat while you are cooking!!!
  • ·       Never eat seconds – serve yourself a sensible single one time portion
  • ·       Drink plenty of water, satisfy/stave off cravings with water, drink a glass of water before meals and after, drink a glass of water before anything else when you wake up (w/ a bit of lemon is brilliant), drink a glass of water before bed….water, water, water, we are 98% water so drink it up!
  • ·        Chew each small bite of food for a long time, the less your digestive system has to work the better (we will give an example of that later)
  • ·       Share your food and don’t by enough food when shopping
  • ·       Leave at least 1 bite on your plate – instead of licking it clean like a starving pig (a practice of self-discipline).
  • ·       Don’t eat anything that starts w/ the letter “C”
  • ·       Don’t eat anything processed!

Follow these rules ½ the time and you will get ½ the results.

Monthly measuring update ~32-29.3-36.2~   
And 11” bicepts, what the?
½ inch reduction goal not met …….hence 1/2 the result of following ½ the rules ½ the time!

I am happy for achieving a portion of the goal but I must do better and achieve this months entire goal.

This October month’s goal= ½ inch reduction down the measuring tape

I will (am) make (ing) it to the finish (I mean maintenance) line.

I will have a flab, droop free fab after photo.......just watch and see

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