Saturday, 13 April 2013

Finance and Fitness

I am sure that there are many caring individuals out there that are wondering why 925 million people are starving worldwide, and no I am not speaking of anorexics.
The underprivileged are starving simply because they have no food, brilliant, we have figured that much out, but one of the majority contributing factors to no food, may be no money, brilliant.
The principal problem is that many people in the world do not have sufficient land to grow, or income to purchase, enough food.

Okay, we have come this far, are you following me here, no money=no food (in most scenarios..... we can get to the whole dictator, warlord, pirate, famine, neglect of agriculture relevant to very poor people by governments/international agencies, the current worldwide economic crisis <is that straw out there breaking some camel's backs?> etc subject later)
Chances are many of you who are reading this do not fall under those categories (except perhaps the crisis?), lucky you, however you too can use the general “no money=no food” principal in your everyday life to loose weight and have the body you have always dreamed of.
*please consult physician or your stock market before beginning any new diets
The idea is to have no money and then you will have no food, pretty basic right ,but that does not sound very appealing or else every one would be homeless beggars with perfect bodies.
The idea is not so much to not have money but investments instead, put more into that 401K, take out an IRA, invest in a stock you think will earn you a profit, or just lay away for that item you have always wanted or simply just go out and buy it, stimulate the economy rather than satisfy your hypothalamus' cravings. Put 90% of your earnings into investments in one form or another, there are endless choices for a variety of profit returns, and then just leave 10% for your fat ass.
Why invest more food/money into your thighs then what you could get by on if you were starving, not dying of malnutrition mind you, (No one really knows how many people are malnourished. The statistic most frequently cited is that of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, which measures 'undernutrition'. The FAO did not publish an estimate in its most recent publication, 'The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2011' as it is undertaking a major revision of how it estimates food insecurity (FAO 2011 p. 10) just a bit hungry and wanting that doughnut but by golly you're too low on “available cash funds” so just think of your portfolio and smile instead.

See, if you put more than 10% * just a sample estimated figure, into your stomach then you spend another 10% on diet pills, then another 20% on fitness equipment you saw on some cheesy infomercial while you ate a tub of ice cream.
Save your self the trouble and save for your future instead and ironically you will never have to, perhaps, worry about going w/o a meal ever again, a small portioned one at least.
Better yet invest in a soup kitchen project so some one who doesn't have any money can eat. Give them a portion from your wallet instead to help you avoid overfilling your plate.....(fast food and buffets are obviously not being referred to here and should be avoided all together).
It's all about downsizing portions, right, and portion control blah blah blah for get that crap. I am talking about wallet control. 
Damn, I really wanted that chocolate mocha and muffin (1 million calories.) but all I can afford is tap water and a banana (40 calories.) but my financial portfolio is delicious and so am I in my skinny jeans and Jimmy Choos! … your talking :)
As of 2008 (2005 statistics), the World Bank has estimated that there were an estimated 1,345 million poor people in developing countries who live on $1.25 a day or less (and so can you!).....and I bet none of them are fat gluttonous _______s.
...and of course always maintaining your exercise at least 3x a week, which is completely necessary, hhhmmm, ride your bike to work?
Save the Planet, stop consuming......cut back?

Monday, 25 February 2013

Waist Neck Circumference Ratio

My attainable goal was a 27" waist but I guess I was going much too easy on myself because my accurate waist size in accordance to my neck circumference should be 25"....ugh, that is basically 5kg more that needs to be gone, oh my!

It's always that last 5kg, right! Now I have a second 5kg to loose, double ugh.
Sooo, I saw a woman doing this in a shop once, she was an oriental woman, and I never, ever once thought of holding myself to it as an actual standard for my necessary proportionate waist size ......until now, because it just makes sense for obvious proportion reasons, like my pants staying on.
~ Next time you are out shopping for pants/skirts/shorts and don't want to try them on, try this convenient tip:
Take the waist of said item and wrap around your neck, if the folds do not meet, they will not fit, if they overlap they will be too big.
It has been proven, in non-obese [accurately] proportionate subjects, that the neck is an indicator of your own body's appropriate waist size.
example: if your neck circumference is 12.5" then your waist should be 25".
The waist, when measured, was 2x greater than the neck.
*accurate waist measurement on females is at the elbow crease, men measure waist at the belly button.
As you can see, from the results, albeit very slight, we have gotten a
positive relationship between the circumference of neck and waist. 
Recent studies now are focusing more on weight/waist measurement because it may be more accurate using waist circumference than BMI, it is significantly better at gauging cardio-metabolic risk.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Am Back and Back Fatless (eventually)

No, haha, that last picture is not one of my own personal amazing abs and narrow waist line. However, I have not gone backwards and have remained steady holding onto my current waist line for the past months.

No drastic improvements to report except an improvement in diet and exercise. It is now seasonable for me to enjoy eating fresh. I can eat pineapple for breakfast, mangos all day (mangos have heaps of vitA great for skin), bananas, oranges, grapes, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers..... though lettuce and spinach is hard for me to find, oh well, I am feeling full already.
For my protein intake to keep up with my daily exercise (w/o fail), okay I take Sundays off, I drink my 1 egg with/chocolate(milo) milk protein shake. I am all over the eggs right now, w/in reason. Once or twice a week I may eat rotisserie chicken. I will be laying off other meats. I can feel my body craving the opposite of meat and feel the lure of vegetarianism.
I am not tired of eating because I do get hungry but I am tired of digesting a bunch of crap all the time, yay for me. I am looking forward to seeing what sort of result this fresh diet will accomplish for my efforts. I know it is not literally a diet diet but a lifestyle so let's see if we can stick with some consistency, foreveeeerrr, shall we, come on. The only thing in the past that has prevented me in the consistency department is produce availability and lack of good judgement from alcohol and hangovers. I know that's all right. Ahhh, it's good to be back....and hopefully with out any back fat, and I mean none, nada, zilch....eew, you gross back fat rolls, be gone! For good...

Saturday, 27 October 2012

I will miss you but not my fat rolls

I will be going off the radar a bit until the holidays are over. I am going to some very remote places where there will be no internet, boohoo...but definitely no fast/processed food either either, yay!
I have been cutting calories and working out but unfortunately have not cut back on drinking which can have a big impact all around.....that is all about to change though.
I will kick this off with a 3 day fast, 1 week salt water cleanse, then a liquid protein diet.
It is great to kick of a life changing (permanent) diet with a body cleanse so your body can start over from scratch and the new diet will take much better and longer, hopefully forever, right!
I invented my own personal protein shake that I learned in chemistry. My professor said the best form of protein is in an egg, not soy or whey.
  • 1 egg white
  • (any) milk
  • Milo (fiber)
  • some liquid vits (B12 etc)
~shake it up or blend it :)

I will be sure to take my December 1st photo and measurements on schedule but I am not sure when exactly I will be able to post it....hhhhmmmm.....
I will for sure see you all after the holidays with some lose you holiday bulge posts to motivate you for the new year.
....and of course with my up to date progress.

Happy Holidays everyBODY.......take it easy ;)

Friday, 26 October 2012

Zombie Apocolypse

So, as we close out October's "hypothalamus awareness month" I would like to remind everyone that there is indeed a zombie apocalypse ravishing the world. Not only have there been way over 100 cases of humans attacking and eating other humans worldwide this year alone but there is the underestimated  overwhelmingly numerous population of the obese over eater. Just because you are saying, "Burger, chippies, pizza, cookies, ice cream", doesn't mean it is a far cry from, "brains, Brains, BRAINS!!!!". If you have no self control you might as well be a zombie...or a drunk...or a drunk zombie ;)

Just think of every over weight person stuffing their not-hungry face right now, do you want to be one of them, zombie? Huh, Fatty?......yes, I am talking to myself.....and NO, I don't want to be one of the fast fried, poisonously preserved, genetically modified, died and flavored fake food zombies!
I would almost rather eat "brrraaaaains" than have another bite of what is being mass produced and passed off as food but I definitely would be lacking brains if I refuse to let myself have zero body fat any longer.
So this is it hypothalamus, you have had your run and now it is my turn. I will not be your zombie, I will not be apart of the hungry hoard any longer! 

A Spellish Chant

Would you really let a mere child tell you what to do? A toddler that throws tantrums and nags you at the grocery store with "I want this, I want that"?
Set 'em straight you would!
Lose 15kg of spoiled brat.....

Thursday, 25 October 2012

November's Goal Attained!

I am not disappointing to be reaching November's goal a tiny bit ahead of schedule. 
Of course it would be a bit more fun if I looked as (skinny) hungry as I feel....oh well, eventually the scales will be balanced ;)
Measurements: 31.5-28.5-35.5